Recent content by Feblentiu

  1. F

    Closed Thief glove vs no glove

    Same experience here, except i didn't drop any SS from level 85 stones in a few weeks in red forest. (95% of the time, using Bound glove)
  2. F

    Content Update and Server updates

    We should have had SD3, HL1, HL2, Azrael, Alchemy from the start of the server. We are talking about "new content" but is this really new content? You took out the "basic" stuff untill level 99 and we wait to get the basic back. What is this? I understand not having Beta from the start, alright...
  3. F

    Rejected Make blessing normal for shaman( opinion)

    All mages should have the full buff on each other and for the language ring, if you don't want to make M1 skills viable for the other person to understand you, i feel like it's only fair to be able to get 30 days ring, maybe make it a buff on the top left corner.
  4. F

    Secrets bug I'm still waiting for the team to answer to my request there aswell...
  5. F

    Avangarda - Jinno

    We are looking for level 35+ at the moment, we've made an discord server aswell
  6. F

    teleport bugged

    I can teleport now, but maybe take out the cooldown when i only have poison on me and i'm not in combat? This poison can stay for like 15 seconds before i can teleport again.
  7. F

    teleport bugged

    In the normal forest, i was nowhere near ghost trees, but a player from another kingdom passed me like 15 second ago, but i still could not teleport Edit:It doesn't let me upload any photo of the place Edit 2:I literally can't teleport at all untill i relog (i don't fight any mobs but i still...
  8. F

    Chance of succesfully reading bestiary skill book

    Only 3 books succeeded so far, make the chance better or reduce the cooldown to 6h/8h/12h
  9. F

    Secrets bug

    Secrets are made to read 0-3 books, if i am lucky and read 3 book i want to get all the "progress" of that skill. I see secrets as "3 exos", if i am unlucky i get 0 progress, but if i am lucky, i get "3 exos" worth of skills who succeeded. This interval seems weird in my eyes, there is no point...
  10. F

    Secrets bug

    I don't see your point, if you can read 3 books, then we should be able to jump from M1 to M3, that's what secrets can do, make you read 3 books at once.
  11. F

    Secrets bug

    This does not seem fair honestly, if the secrets get you the chance to read 3 books at once, if you are lucky, why block it if you get to another M? I don't see the logic behind it. If you could read them with no cooldown, maybe it would have been "too good", but with the cooldown on, it doesn't...
  12. F

    Avangarda - Jinno

    Our guild is looking for active, long term members for future content. Contact us - In game: AlaNegru ; Minodora Discord: RTavii#6283 ; SonAngoka#5028
  13. F

    Secrets bug

    If you have let's say M7 and 6/7 books and you read an secret that gets you "3 read books" you will get to M8 but only M8 0/8 instead of M8 2/8