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Bad luck or?


New member
Like, to you it seems normal that i put in a fms 55 blesses and it`s+3? i know it's hard but not even so for an fms, at least to be told the chance at every +on that server, this is crazy, it takes from u all the hype.


Active member
It's same as all other items. Because blessing scrolls are involved in the process, it might seem like all luck has abandoned you, but ask around and see how many FMSs it takes to get one to +9 on blacksmith.


Failed over 50 bows level 30 at the smith, seen +8 once, meanwhile had a guildmate take one to the smith all the way to +9 from +0, all chance at the end of the day, seen plenty people like you and also plenty grab an fms +7 throw it at the smith +8 and use a single blessing for +9
Luck is luck.