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Frequently Asked Questions


Staff member
In this thread we will attempt to answer some of the most common questions regarding the project. This FAQ is a work in progress and more content will be added to it as necessary.

1. When is the server opening?

The server is opening in the evening of Friday, 31st of March.

2. Why are you opening the same day as X other server?

We announced the opening date on the 27th of February, at which time nobody else had announced a server opening for that date. We think our project is relevant and unique enough not to need switching dates for external reasons.

3. Is this the same team as the original WoM2?

There are some members of the previous team whose identity remains anonymous. The majority of the team joined following a public recruitment process carried in different forums.

4. I noticed one of your staff members was also part of the team of X server which did not go well!

We are not responsible for the past actions of our team members, nor do we consider that it was their sole fault that their past projects failed, so those questions do not make any sense in our opinion.

5. Why do you have a forum? It's so old fashioned.

Discord is a chat application, like MSN Messenger or Yahoo Messenger used to be. Chat applications are intended for casual conversations and do not make a good replacement for a website or forum where information can be published, organized and discussed in a much more organized manner. As a matter of fact, some of the most visited sites in the internet are forums - such as, for example, Reddit.

6. When/where can we download the client?

The client will be available for download a day or two before the server opening. We recommend immediately patching it thereafter so you are ready when the time comes.

7. Why did it take you so long to open the website / announce a date / open the server / fix this bug?

Unlike the previous WoM2 team which was a professional, full-time business, we are working in our spare time.

8. Are you using the WoM2 files?

We are, but we also have modified the code and content heavily.

9. Can I join your team?

Applications for the team will be published in this forum and eventually on Discord whenever necessary.