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Getting Over the Edge - Late Starter Guide for WoM2!


Deleted member 808

Are you a late starter and kinda missing that sweet Early Bird package most players got?
No worries, there are ways for you to cash that Yang and buy yourself a Thief Glove (IM) to improve your drop rate!
I'll be short and to the point - who wants to read when you can play Metin2? RIGHT!?​

1. Start with a Warrior, Sura or Mage - as this is a hard PvM server, you'll need defense in some situations, especially during the early game. The three classes each have a specialization that you can switch to in order to resist more - Mental
, Black Magic
and Weaponry
, and Dragon
(although Blessing can feel a bit underwhelming compared to Taichi, for example. I do recommend Warrior, mainly due to Taichi.
2. Do every quest you're given!!!
- can't stress that enough; each quest will give you about 30-40% of your total EXP required to level up (common level hunts), while the courier quests (given by the General and other NPCs) will often award you items (boots, armor, bracelet, earrings which are +4/6, among other things). - if you want to stop at a certain level, then leveling up through mobs and metins is advised, so as to keep the XP rewards for later, even though diminished (only each level Hunts apply, and not the courier quests).

3. Make yourself a buffer - obviously, you do need a buffer. My suggestion would be to level it up as high as possible; if you can find a Black Orc group that will take you in, you should take the buffer to lvl 30-35 in the first day. This will allow you to jump many other points here, as you'll be able to fish
and mine
with this buffer - both these activities can be a good source of Yang in the first couple of days (Diamonds
at the moment go for about 4-500k, while Clams
for about 180-240k) - the best part is that these activities are not influenced by the IM Thief Glove.

4. Pick up potions and weapons from metins - it may sound boring at low level, but potions
and weapons
sell for a lot at the General Store - a couple hundred Yang if you get a lot of them. But keep in mind to save some Red Potion stacks, as you'll need them when the autopots run out. You can keep a buffer close to stack more potions and weapons.

5. If you plan to (and should) stop a while at a low level to farm a bit of Yang, then you should find a guild as soon as possible so that you can donate XP to it - the item (doll) that helps you stop EXP can be bought for 1kk at the General Store and it might be a long shot if you don't have enough time to play. I suggest stopping at lvl 18 so that you have 1 M Skill - on a warrior, Aura
for slicing through metins or Taichi
to resist - resist where?

6. Farm Cursed Animals in the Guild Land Maps or Horse Medals
in the Monkey Dungeon
- this will have you rely a bit on luck since you don't have an IM Thief Glove, but Guild Land Cursed Animals will drop lvl 30 AVG weapons once in a while (RIBs go for at least 500k, as far as I've seen on the market). The Horse Medal drop is fairly good with IM Glove, so even without you shouldn't have an issue dropping a couple (at the moment, these vary around 150-200k).

7. Stopping for a while at lvl 18 with a Warrior and before you start reading books gives you the chance to switch between Aura and Taichi at will - damage to farm metins or resistance when the spots are crowded and you want to farm medals or lvl 30 weapons at cursed animals. M1 Taichi with poor equipment on you will help you resist at monkeys. Until you add and roll some bonuses, you'll have no problem.

8. Rushing fast is something I don't recommend - you need 25 to marry
a character and 35 to get your armed horse
. You get the armed horse after waiting for 6 hours, but until then you have to level up the horse skill. After a successful level up you have to wait 30 minutes (no wait time after fails) - so you will still have to wait a total of about 5 hours to get your horse level ready for the mission (which is not an easy one, so better stop low and get bonuses on items before rushing).

In short - start with a character that offers you both damage and resistance options (alternatively), pick up and sell potions and items at general store, join a Black Orc XP farm with your buffer to get it to lvl 30+ to start Mining/Fishing, farm for Horse Medals (max lvl 27-30 for this I'd say) or lvl 30 weapons in Guild Land maps, and farm metins (they drop adders and changers which go can be sold for a decent sum) and sell everything you can on the market.

A Thief Glove
(IM) - that's how you can search for it within the shop system - costs a couple of KK, but will get you a long way after you buy and activate it.

Hope I didn't miss anything, I'm quite new here myself, but so far this is what I think a beginner-beginner should do to get over the IM Thief Glove FOMO and get their hands on one as soon as possible!

Reply with suggestions and ideas, or with corrections if I made any mistakes - thank you!
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Staff member
Tiny correction though, you no longer get the 750 HP bonus as part of the reward.

Deleted member 808

Since I notice some have difficulties reading and understanding a guide made for fairly casual players, I feel I'm in the right to add this further explanation - that could be either way obtained by reading the guide thoroughly.
I understand it's a long guide and some might not feel like reading it at all or in full, but a short 2-minute skim-through will likely provide you with all the information you need, as a casual player, to start optimally on a PvM-hard server.

As for the further explanation:

Switching from Aura to Mental is recommended when you've not bonused nor rolled on your items (rolling with Green Changers has less chance to provide full bonuses anyway) and you still want to resist in places like the first Monkey Dungeon and the Guild Land maps. You are unlikely to do so even with enough HP on your items, especially in your first day of playing.
it goes without saying that Mental is not recommended for your usual, get-go PvM, which is smashing metins all day long.