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How to handle the botter situation


New member
Hello, as everybody knows this server launched with unsufficient hack protection. Even now, botters and hackers are seen everywhere. I can only imagine that insane amounts of yang have been generated this way already and this money is and already has been inflicting the market in a detremental way. The normal player who wants nothing to do with all the drama surrounding this server is more and more confronted with this problem because of the lack of action against it. How should you stay motivated as a normal player, who just wanted to have some good time, if you can clearly see, infront of you eyes, what's going on?

I don't have a solution as the damage is already done, but just continue like nothing happend?..


Staff member
Hi Holdsworth,

I want to be very clear: cheating is not be tolerated in our game. We take the integrity of our game very seriously, and our new security measures, despite the slow start, are always active to prevent any attempts at dishonest play. Our team of Game Masters are vigilant in monitoring the game, and we take swift action against any violations of our terms of service.

The community needs to understand that we were and still are able to promptly detect and ban all the hackers attempting to gain an unfair advantage before they could make any progress in the game, reach a high level or before they could pass that unfair progress to anyone, and any related accounts are instantly banned as well. We do not let them reach any milestones whatsoever and we're constantly on the hunt. Besides that, they are usually the same old people that come again and again, with other hidden malicious motives, for the sake of dirtying the image of the server.
