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Solve timed item scams by not allowing the trade of already used timed items


New member
Self explanatory title.

I just wasted over 10min on 2 trades in a row today with players trying to sell me Fishing Book (1H) with 1min remaining and almost lost one day worth of farming in the process - good thing I don't trust anyone.
Thought this would be a bannable offence as it would have been on any decently moderated game but it turns out it is not.
So here I am making a suggestion so obvious it makes me roll my eyes.
You ban people for RMT but turn a blind eye on this level of scams and if the excuse is because you can't be bothered with every possible Trade Scam then the solution (at least for these ones) is freaking obvious: Used Timed Items cannot be traded.

Sorry for the mixed rant. Its immature of me but my patience has its limits.


New member
Something important (though obvious) I forgot to mention:

- Some exceptions might be necessary. I'm not familiar with any timed item for which an exception would be justified but if they exist then they should be exempted from this restriction.

Additionally, this anti-scam restriction could be more lenient. For instance, you could define a percentile threshold based off the item's total time duration and block its trading only when it goes below that. Definitely not less than 50% though - make it a number that would make it easy to spot used items already otherwise this would be pointless.

Something else came to mind literally just now. Its a bit different sugestion but it would also help solve the issue:
- Make used timed items glow with a red background color and maybe also change their original description's font color as well. I guess if you want to allow scammers while also helping the honest folk a little this would be the best of both worlds. But why encourage scamming by negligence in the first place? This boggles my mind.


Staff member

hm i understand you totally (i myself got scammed several times as a player that way to be honest) and i agree this glowing suggestion would be nice addition and as scams prevention would work neatly. Although we have to pay attention when buying/trading in such cases, some help in the game regarding this is never too much in my opinion.
Forwarded to the team!



New member
Hi Asteria,

You see, the real problem is that is not as simple as 'its the player fault if they weren't paying attention'.

We waste time to negotiate, re-locate and even spend Language Ring time during the negotiation if we are not on the overwhelmingly popular kingdom. The latter ofc is negligible at some point but definetily not so much for early new players.
Additionally, what if I'm on SD2/3 and leave the dungeon to make the deal and then turns out it was a scam? 1 Ticket blasted away because of something that the devs here could've solved with a few lines of code.

Just to be clear, my concern is with timed item's scam trades done manually - not the ones that occur at the shops. Although my suggestion would solve both anyway.


Staff member
Hi Asteria,

You see, the real problem is that is not as simple as 'its the player fault if they weren't paying attention'.

We waste time to negotiate, re-locate and even spend Language Ring time during the negotiation if we are not on the overwhelmingly popular kingdom. The latter ofc is negligible at some point but definetily not so much for early new players.
Additionally, what if I'm on SD2/3 and leave the dungeon to make the deal and then turns out it was a scam? 1 Ticket blasted away because of something that the devs here could've solved with a few lines of code.

Just to be clear, my concern is with timed item's scam trades done manually - not the ones that occur at the shops. Although my suggestion would solve both anyway.

yes i understand, it is crystal clear of course and thats how it is forwarded to our team.

