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Some Questions


New member
Hey , i was looking to find some answers on the following questions and i hope you can help me out.

1. Will your pet „steal“ your exp ? Also will it act the same when you unsummon it ?

2. Has anyone finished the handu up quest where you got to kill 5 bosses and can confirm that it works?( my last one did not give me the reward cause it’s bugged)

3. Is there a way to obtain the item where you can skip the bio waiting time besides quest ?

4. Is the anti-Exp doll from itemshop tradeable? There is no information text.

5. Will i be divorced if i change my gender ? Or will it just change and I’m still married ?

Thanks ahead
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1. No. Exp is same for summoned or not.
2. Yes
3. Naga for bio till lvl 70
4. should be the same as general store. Id say no.
5. I assum you have to divorce to change gender. There’s no cooldow to remarry though.


I think your pet steals ur exp, someone said it steals ur character exp so if u want to level ur character u should unsummon ur pet because it slows ur exp down.


New member
Are there any info’s about sd3 ? Can you go in there with a specific lvl or is it just blocked ?


I agree with everything Loco said, but I want to add one more thing , you can drop experimental wines (without +) from 90lvl chaos metins too (i think 85s as well but im not 100% sure)
Are there any info’s about sd3 ? Can you go in there with a specific lvl or is it just blocked ?
SD3 is not in game yet , they will probably add it soon