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Weather forecast for Wednesday: Metin Rain! at 19:00 CEST


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metin rain patcher.png

🌩️🌠 Brace yourselves, warriors! The legendary Metin Rain event is upon us! 🌠🌩️

💫✨ Imagine a spectacle like no other, as a shower of meteorites hurtles through our solar system, ready to make landfall in our beloved realms! ✨💫
As the first meteorite crashes down, the heavens unleash a torrential downpour, drenching the lands with mystical energies. The sky crackles with lightning, signaling the arrival of extraordinary challenges and unimaginable rewards! ⚡🌪️ Gather your allies, hone your skills, and prepare to embark on an epic quest to harness the power of the meteorites. Only the bravest and most resourceful warriors shall emerge victorious, wielding unimaginable power! ⚔️🌟

How's the Event going to work?🔥🌟
  • We'll be holding the event this Wednesday, 19:00 CEST on Channel 1.
  • The rain will will strike down the Desert Yongbi and Mount Sohan.
  • You will find low-level Metin & Chaos Metin Stones in the Desert (25-65), and high-level ones on Mount Sohan (65 and above).
  • We cannot predict where the stones will hit, so they will be summoned randomly in the maps. Good luck finding & fighting for them!
So gear up, warriors, and get ready to conquer this meteoric challenge! Let the rains of fortune and glory wash over you!⚡
The Metin Rain event awaits, dear warriors. May your courage be your umbrella in this tempest of destiny! ⚡🌧️

Warm wishes,
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