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Why things go south?


New member
I would like to express some of my conclusions:

Regarding Naaga: there are some players that are abusing naaga spawns(kenki/vizito) and make billions, saw people stacking hundreds on hundreds of keys, making it overall hard for players to pump so much money into pet stats, because you need to buy cheheom souls from the guys controlling the market. There should be a way of doing it for everybody.

You need an evolved pet to continue/ level up in order to get a smooth decent gameplay. Players can’t farm naaga because of the people abusing spawn (mostly same people for the past weeks all geared up, unable to contest them) which let’s say wouldn’t be such an obstacle if there would be another way to gain access to the naaga dungeon.

Some metin stones have underwhelming drops, almost a waste of time.

Soul stones drop rate is a joke, and not a funny one, also naaga spawn has the best drop for ss, same situation as above making them unreachable.

Overall gaining currency to be able to evolve the pet is unreasonably difficult, which creates a bottleneck around that period of gameplay for the big majority of the players. Im not saying its necessarily wrong, but rather somewhat unfair in the current state.

Sura needs rework, you can see his fragility in v2/sd3.

ps:Another small detail would be upp rates...(lv 54 accesories)

I think we are going the wrong direction for now, there should be something done about at least some of these issues and put some order in this mess.


New member
Inappropriate behavior
They are well aware and they don't give a ****. Or maybe they don't know and just don't care. Only one goal: milk it dry and jump ship.