Recent content by Fam

  1. Fam

    Reasons for player base decline and list of suggestions

    Once again, you just prove why so many players are upset with the "Team" This is truly an amazing post, mentioning so many important issues with the server and addressing the issues so many players have and it is doing all that with respect towards the team. Yet, your reply is "I have other...
  2. Fam

    Reasons for player base decline and list of suggestions

    Great suggestions however I doubt they'll do any of those things.
  3. Fam

    New DT changes

    I couldn't agree more. It happened with the horse changes, with the quest for the wedding rings, with the 60 lvl treasure maps and now with the DT and let's not forget the exo scrolls. The top % of the playerbase or the players that reach x content first get an unfair advantage. The players...
  4. Fam

    Berserk rework

    Are you lying on purpose or just have no clue what changes you are making? It works on all incoming damage.
  5. Fam

    Berserk rework

    It's definitely alright however I don't understand what was their thought process. They launched the server without the debuff and a month later they bring the debuff back. A bunch of ppl chose AoS Warrior just because the debuff was no longer a thing and it seemed like the AoS Warrior would...
  6. Fam

    Let's discuss Guild PvP

    I don't know why it could be obvious since not a single member of your team replied to those posts but anyway. Regarding Guild PvP, for starters, the most annoying thing in my opinion was always when one of the two guilds didn't join and the outcome was a tie. Make it so the guild that quits...
  7. Fam

    Let's discuss Guild PvP

    I don't mean to be disrespectful but I would suggest you guys fix the unplayable mess PvP is right now before you start thinking and asking feedback about Guild PvP. Already plenty of posts in here describing how and why PvP is unplayable and super frustrating to participate in. Skills not...
  8. Fam

    Addressing the PvP and the Communication Issues!

    I'm the one who can't understand basic English? Honey, you said "original game". Sorry to disappoint you but the game we are playing is Metin2. If you meant the original WoM server you should have said the "original wom server". Moving on, Please go to the original post and show where I said...
  9. Fam

    Addressing the PvP and the Communication Issues!

    Imagine being so delusional. I played Metin2 as soon as it was available in my country and that was about 11-13 years ago. I also have 30 Demi-Human and until yesterday I also had PvP fms with +4 stones against warrior and sura. I ended up selling it because PvP is unplayable. Both Healers...
  10. Fam

    Addressing the PvP and the Communication Issues!

    Let me start off by saying that I already have about 120 hours of playtime and that the only reason I'm even making this post is that I actually care about the game and I would like to see the server succeed. With that being said, I think the dev team should come out tell us what their plan or...