Recent content by ZalimMelek

  1. ZalimMelek

    Closed GM not responding ANASTASYA

    Anastasia, it's obvious that you don't know your business. When you cannot find an answer, you use the authority given to you and immediately kick it off the server. Remember this, you are not the only manager who cannot do justice to the seat he sits in. I just said tell me what I wrote and he...
  2. ZalimMelek

    Closed unfair ban

    You are taking sides. You give 4 hours of mute to the person who wrote **** YOUR MOTHER. I didn't even swear, you ban me for 3 days. Whose broadcast did I sabotage? Someone with 3 viewers? From now on, let's write **** YOUR MOTHER and mute it for 4 hours. better
  3. ZalimMelek

    super 3 chars banned :)

    super 3 chars banned :)
  4. ZalimMelek

    Hated World Bosses bug abusement

    Everyone is talking in vain. GM said they will all come back. This is just to distract us, the players. 3 of my characters were BANNED. Firstly, the reason is that the e-mail address does not belong to me, then RMT. The more you deal with Hated, the more you will be banned like my characters. ...
  5. ZalimMelek

    Closed MESSAGE I SENT TO Support

    get take buy pick up take on take in fetch take up collect have gain extract hold draw capture accept take from put on borrow seize assume admit garner occupy let in I didn't come to learn English, there are so many meanings when you write a word. They already understood what I wrote. you can...
  6. ZalimMelek

    Closed MESSAGE I SENT TO Support

    Why should I pay for a 75 lvl character? It takes me 2 days to make a 90 lvl character. I already have a lot of guides, secrets and books in my warehouse.
  7. ZalimMelek

    Closed MESSAGE I SENT TO Support

    **** not buy google translate He left it to me because he had classes and exams. But of course you will understand as you wish
  8. ZalimMelek

    hi bro h r u ?

    hi bro h r u ?
  9. ZalimMelek

    Closed MESSAGE I SENT TO Support

    Since you remain silent to the HATED guild, the more I rebel, the more you unjustly ban my characters. Don't usurp people's rights, do your job You say this account does RMT. With whom, when, where? My guild friend left it to me because he had university exams. when my friend gave it to me, it...
  10. ZalimMelek

    We only want justice in the game.

    We only want justice in the game.
  11. ZalimMelek


    First of all, I congratulate the MANAGEMENT TEAM. The issue is the banning of KIYAMETjr. reason: account sale Where does this conclusion come from: the e-mail is not on me. It starts with a friend of mine, a university student, giving me his character, saying that he can't continue the play...
  12. ZalimMelek

    Closed It's a big shame for Wom2 and it's being heard all around the global game and you keep losing new players and old players.

    Friends who have been working hard since the game was opened. We fought from time to time, from time to time we laughed and made hearts and passed by each other. Most of us farmed for days, there are names that I saw until the morning, Cin IEsinti Axxy Bilbert, many quality players whose names I...
  13. ZalimMelek

    Hated World Bosses bug abusement

    As the state prime ministers said; If I leave, this country will be OVER. If HATED goes, the server will never end. DON'T BE AFRAID. Where there is justice, all players PLAY WITH ENJOYMENT You are still wondering if a 30-day ban is appropriate? but they don't care about that. These Players have...
  14. ZalimMelek

    Yama Notları

    Sizler Haklısınız fazla gerçekleri kounşup buradanda banlanmayalım TAYYİP rejimi doğru yu söyleyen hapise :) :) :)
  15. ZalimMelek

    Yama Notları

    ben düşünerek yazdım arkadaşlar arasında konuşarak da , peki diyelim ki kimsenin bilgisi yok , nasıl bir öngörüdür bakımdan sonra boss dan deneyimsel şarabın alınacağı ve bunların degerleneceği ? , rabitlerde de aynı olay nesne market altta sayım var son gün , nedense birileri toplu alıyor ve...