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Buff Duration


New member
I think 3-5 mins is fair to keep it active but 10 minutes isn't gonna hurt either. I'm with you on this one.


Well-known member
No, with skill duration P you'd end up with around 12-13 minutes of buff so that means people can just spam wedding ring to their shaman in city and then go casually farm in high level maps without having to struggle to level up the shaman aswell.
5 minutes is also the classic skill duration for Blessing spell and Reflexion so if the other ones are also 5 minutes it's already a QoL improvement


I would also prefer the buffs to be the default duration, for the same reason as ToxicGirl mentioned.
It will prob not matter too much now at first with the limited content, but I remember for Deungsan Peaks you needed to invest in your buff to be able to do the Deceitful Forest quests so that you can access Deungsan Peaks with her as well. And it was really rewarding and gave more depth, and you really felt the value and satisfaction it gave you, after spending resources to level and assemble equip for your buff.

While 10 minutes wouldn't be game-breaking, it would still be way more possible to just keep the buff on 54 forever, and porting back to Map1 to get the buffs.


Staff member

Skills durations are part of the game and affect multiple aspects of it. You cannot simply make them permanent or exponentially increase them without ruining certain parts of the gameplay. This is a hard classic server where every second matters and the time factor is crucial for the balance and design of the game, not going to mention the player vs. player environment consequences such change would have on the gameplay. Right now, no skill duration will be changed but we might consider it for future expansions through some sort of system (and not plainly giving this benefit to everyone from level 5) if necessary.

Kind regards,