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Classic mount skins


New member
Hello, I wanna make a suggestion about the classic mount skins, make them as expensive as the other special mounts and give them the same stats, I personally hate being forced to spend so much on a skin I dont like just becouse of the extra stats, I like the classic mounts and they are just being thrown to trash due to the stats difference from bernie, cerberus, camel etc.. . I think the current skins on the item shop are literraly useless, everyone wants to go for the extra damage, I would love to buy the classic skins but I can't becouse they dont have the same stats.


Staff member

to be honest i think its ok to have these items divided into premium and non premium ones, however maybe those basic ones can have the other, premium version that provides corresponding benefit as well.
I forwarded your concerns to our team.
Thank you! Have fun & take care.



New member

to be honest i think its ok to have these items divided into premium and non premium ones, however maybe those basic ones can have the other, premium version that provides corresponding benefit as well.
I forwarded your concerns to our team.
Thank you! Have fun & take care.

that's exactly what I reffered to, the item shop skins are amazing but nobody would buy them over the premium versions, what I am saying is that they should become just like the premium ones.