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Don't let people enter others kingdom MAP2

As title says, block people to enter others kingdom map2 at least for those first weeks of game. Players with full eq coming others kingdom stealing metins to new players dont letting them play.
I know it's not properly a mmo feature but it's becoming unfarmable in Chunjo.


Well-known member
I saw some blue empire peeps in map2 red too, funnily enough in their own map2 nobody is farming XD


-1 i can t beat ppl in my kingdom who tries to steal your loot, at least if I go somewhere else and if someone tries to steal the loot i can kill them without losing my grade for souls stones they already restricted scrolls.


Active member
Iirc on some other servers you received a -10% damage penalty when fighting in enemy kingdoms. In map 1 and 2, damage equals profit, so it might discourage players from other kingdoms coming to steal your metins, which you own, of course. They have your name written on them when you see them.

That being said, I can't support this idea. I think it's fine if people fight for resources. It gets you prepared for the future, when your guild will be doing PvP over Demogorgon or Green Dragon. If you expected a farming simulator, there are other alternatives out there.

PvP for resources has a right to exist. It makes the server more attractive, because the public image of the server surpasses the level of being just a farming simulator, like that one server starting with Ae.