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I can't improve any more, I guess it's your turn.

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bonuses I have:
22.6 k hp
100 fire ress
20 skill ress
33 hp absorb
cl4 onyx crt + pierce
43.2 mage buff (the best buff if we don't include vitality stone and intelligence fish)
dragon bracelet + harmony bracelet + grey liquid

Despite all this, razador can kill me with a critical hit if he has less than 20% health. (-4k -6k or more)
I have the damage to kill the razador but when I attack with my warrior and shaman I can't kill it very fast.
razador probably hits a critical hit as it takes a while (even though I have the 9 critical damage chance reduction bonus)
I have the most elite razador farm items and it is impossible for me to develop any further
yet the only factor that determines whether I kill the razador in 15 minutes or 50 minutes is a :) critical hit and it's very disturbing

my suggestion: not to die when I take critical damage if I have full resistance
rejected before but this is needed: make onyx reduce critical hit damage not critical hit chance for pvm
or skill res really works significantly in pvm
if this problem is only in warriors, reduce the incoming damage boost of the berserk skill

if you are farming with too many attackers, you are less likely to die with a critical hit and you may not be aware of the current problem, but please consider that you will farm razador alone in the future
note: I can easily kill with my 3 warriors on the mount. without any liquid.so if you have a lot of damage, you probably won't have any problems.but if you already have very nice items now, the only way to do more damage is more accounts
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i am sorry but i dont think Razador is meant to be killed all alone, therefore changes that would make this happen wont be considered i am afraid. If that happens over time it would be probably due to new item sets or something.
Thats my opinion.



Well-known member
iT's NoT mEaNt To Be DoNe AlOnE lmao if this player has the best set out there and great alchemy - which he does he should be able to do it LOL. Every run should be soloable and depending on the level of investment you should be able to get there sooner or later. Saying it's okay to not be able to NOT DIE from the boss at max fire resistance and 20% skill damage aka 4% skill damage res is literally insane
When will Snake understand that nobody wants to share drop or do a run in 50 people to get an item done in 20 years? Times are not the same people like to do runs alone and get all the drops, you absolutely should be able do to anything alone if you really really want to wtf
And Sarco didn't ask for anything insane, he literally asked for something very normal - not dying with 100% res is expected LOL


Game Designer
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Hey there! Let's address a few things. Firstly, it seems your skill resistance stat might be a bit low (I do not know if you said 20% just from the grey liquid or you didn't count it). In my experience, pairing an Aqua Armor with a Tree Emperor tends to outperform using Beta and Yomi Shield. Additionally, try practicing dodging the boss's attacks when it's in protection mode – it's totally feasible with the right timing.

Another point to consider is that Nemere gear will soon be available, and it could prove more advantageous for solo runs. Regarding your approach, factor in Razador's substantial health regeneration. Think about a king losing troops, making him more vulnerable.

Looking ahead, besides the original runs, future challenges will likely demand more finesse. You'll need to perform kiting the boss and evading certain attacks. Simply relying on top-tier equipment won't cut it – it's about skill and adaptability.

And yes Toxic, I am aware that some people want to make everything solo, and I am trying my best to provide this option. But, don't expect to breeze through a fresh run with your current gear. If you can ace it without the use of the new gear, what's the point of that gear? We're talking about not just Razador (cause here the only impovement is the soul belt for pvm) but also future runs.

Hope this helps you,
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