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Introduction to Helia's Forest Heart permanent event


Staff member
Greetings, brave adventurers of WoM!
Prepare to embark on an extraordinary journey as we introduce you to the exclusive Helia's Forest Heart Event. Here's everything you need to know:

Event Timing
At unpredictable intervals, a rare and powerful metin stone called Forest Heart will appear within the realm of Helia. Its arrival is announced inside the chat for all the players inside Helia, along with the coordinates of it.


Players that enter the map after its spawn will be announced of its presence but not about its location.


Forest Heart Features
Once the Forest Heart spawns, it will be invulnerable to damage for 300 seconds. All other stones within the map will vanish, and any new stones that spawn will meet the same fate.
While the Forest Heart is invulnerable, it will have a specific green aura around it to let you know its state.



When the stone will become vulnerable, everyone inside the map will be announced with a specific message in chat:


In this state, the stone can be damaged and any adventurer who is prepared enough can enter the battle with it.
If the stone reaches 50% health the Forest Guardian will spawn, giving the Forest Heart its invulnerability trait again and the possibility to regenerate the damage that was done to it until that moment.


This action will be announced in chat for all the players inside Helia at that time.


After the Forest Guardian has been killed, the stone is now free to kill, this event also being announced in the chat.


Ending and final notes
After the Forest Heart has been destroyed, Helia will return to its normal state, meaning that normal stones should start to spawn again in a maximum of 16 minutes.​