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Naaga Key´s


My suggestion is to be able to join Naaga without any key, and add a cooldown, like few hours or a day, and if you wanna do it without the cooldown you can use the naaga key, and like this every one can have acces to naga without any abuse of it, if you wanna make more naagas you can always farm keys, but now the market won't be monopolized only by a few players.


New member
My suggestion is to be able to join Naaga without any key, and add a cooldown, like few hours or a day, and if you wanna do it without the cooldown you can use the naaga key, and like this every one can have acces to naga without any abuse of it, if you wanna make more naagas you can always farm keys, but now the market won't be monopolized only by a few players.
Working your ass of is the right way... Naaga shouldn´t be free entry. There should just be a diffrent option to farm Keys


New member
even with the new patch its still the same issue. old players with P aura or PvP char camping the spawns. for a new player its impossible to run naaga, you have to buy the keys. they need to make the spawn area larger and the boss can spawn anywhere in this area or just remove the keys and add cooldown.


New member
I suggest making the keys dropable from metin stones/chaoses level 60 in the snake field. There is no reason to farm level 60 stones because the mobs are even stronger than the ones from metin stones level 65-80 and the upgrades are not that expensive to make a good profit.
This way players that can resist are incentified to farm metin stones and the ones with high DPS and PVP equipment could compete further for the bosses.
For sure Kenki and Vizto should remain the best way to get Nagga keys.


New member
Another suggestion is to just make Naaga key untradable and the people farming them will reduce. Most of the people farming them right now already have mount and are just trying to sell the keys.



I gave up with this dungeon, better farm metins like a mad man and buy the potion.It`s so fking annoying farming/fighting for the key, hundreds of players have to farm the same place for the same fking thing and it`s not you can asealy avoid, you have to do your pet in order to lv up. I can`t wait for HL where will be the same thing, camping the huashin for the key. I really don`t understand why they don`t change it...so many people complain. Is it not a gamebreaking thing like skills (berserk/ench blade problems) that you have to test and balance, it`s a fking key that everyone need it.


New member
hello, im new here, but i think that the best problem is that people have very few possibility to do money at the moment.... and is easy for this all go to the only dungeon in game... naga dungeon... i like old style game but i think tihs is to much old style.

why? is easy, in a official this version was good for years because the exp and all was very hard, here, the difficuilt is less and a lot of people already are at end game... and all go to do money in the same way... 3,4 dugeon more and 2,3 new maps for start will be ok to increase the ways of making money.


Working your ass of is the right way... Naaga shouldn´t be free entry. There should just be a diffrent option to farm Keys
So working your ass off to farm 6 keys/spawn, making other players quit, is the right way? Lol. Then the sv is pretty much doomed. Its basically going to be a battle royale everywhere. Some added features are good. Some are bullshit


New member
So working your ass off to farm 6 keys/spawn, making other players quit, is the right way? Lol. Then the sv is pretty much doomed. Its basically going to be a battle royale everywhere. Some added features are good. Some are bullshit
I wanted to say that players should be rewarded for knowing the boss's location, timing and having the proper gear to contest it. But we also should have a more consistent way of getting keys like metin/chaos drop or craft them.
For example, you could get 1 key/ 20 min of farm and you could also get 0-3 keys per boss spawn. The first method is more consistent and beginner friendly and the second one is more competitive


New member
in my opinion it is solved now, there are more keys on the marked and the potion´s also dropped in price. Keys are at 4kk now, you get 2,5 red potion in average, so if you do the runs on your own you need around 320kk for finishing your pet which is totally okay


keys are 4kk, red pots are 3kk now. problem is solved, if it will get cheaper it will be unfair for the key farmer, you literally need a complete perfect lv 60 to compete for a good profit here. It takes around 600kk to make 10 lv agression which is totally fair.