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Naga key price fix


New member
Since the nerf on spawn times on bosses that drop naaga key, the prices have gone insane....naaga dungeon it's just not worth doing anymore.
6kk the key an you cannot increase the prices on potions cause people can just biy them from npc...the profits are so low that in the time you do the dungen you can just farm metins and make more money and directly buy the potions from npc


Ngl even tho the 'big bad naaga farmers' had their monopoly on the keys, at least the market was full of them and they were super cheap with 1.5 - 2kk.

Now it is borderline useless to do naaga runs, because you just can buy the pots from the npc and even with the bad success rate of those it's overall cheaper.

Didn't farm naaga keys since the patch hit, but monopolizing seems still possible just with extra steps, so the keys, pots and pet-exp rings got a lot more expensive for no reason really.