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new belts?


Active member
what I really want is a belt with int bonus but it never hurts to have other belts, and variety is always better. also prevents demodelling of both the baroness and the razador farm. except for linen belts and souls belts, there are no belts that are very reasonable for pvm
a few suggestions:
str, int, dex, vit belts
avg dmg res, skill dmg res belts
metin stone/boss belts, (for high level players, it should give more rates than souls belt so that it is worth doing)
pvp belts with attack bonus
resistance against monsters
insanely high bonus rate belts (40% devil) cost a few kkk to produce, but if the player wants them, let him make them


Staff member
any more opinions?
in my opinion its a bit too much, as fly said that reminds me of some pokemon servers.


Active member
maybe devil belt reminds you of pokemon servers, but I think new belts and similar innovations will prevent monotony, especially in pvp.
for example: healer mage vs body war
if both sides have the best items available, body warr doesn't need to do anything after charge. he will win vs with his auto attacks (this will be much easier after nemere items and an elite healer mage will not even beat an average pvp body war)
what i want is: we should be able to give up other things and have another bonus much more than other players. for example: block belt. if i can invest a lot in my block and get a benefit in return that would be absolutely awesome. when doing vs body war i can have a lot of block and body war has to use something other than auto attacks.