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Nerf light mage - Thunder bolt is a bad joke and light shaman is overpowered

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Well-known member
Almost one year ago thunder bolt got buffed at the suggestion of a lvl 18 char to freeze when it can't stun you. At first it seemed like a good idea, the healers always had a hard time pushing people off them and I was on board with the idea until it became very clear that it was too much.

Not only are you pushed back, you're also slowed for like -100 movement speed on a server where your aqua and three emperor shield are like -40 or -50 movement speed. On a server where there's no cooldown to mounting/dismounting in pvp you end up chasing a light shaman half a map, get spammed with 4-5 skills in 3 seconds, get slowed for days, get pushed back, never having the chance to reach them and hit them with anything.

Either remove the slow or pushback from the skill, because it shouldn't have BOTH or literally shave have of the damage from all the attack skills healers have lol. The current pvp state is you play healer you win you play anything else you die trying to reach your target. And no, nemere eq someday won't fix this XDDDDD

And check the animations because male shamans cast all the skills faster than female ones, facts


Well-known member
if you wanna remove the slow/stun from thunder bolt then we can remove from a sword strike, a charge and a poison arrow,
I'm cool with that too imho the slow is too much and with the knock back and the posibility to run on pet you literally can't be caught. Healer needs a nerf more than the other classes because you have the option to spam it lol. And it's honestly not about you in particular, if you want to believe people are pressed because of you specifically be my guest but it's nothing personal.
As I said when this change was introduced at Aubury's suggestion I was there to support it XDDDDDD You may question everyone else's intentions for agreeing with me but not mine :)


New member
Light Mage should be nerfed for sure, you can't possibly have:
- 2 extremely OP (group) buffs, for some reason Natures Enchantment also empowers Magic based skills
- lowest cooldowns
- fastest cast animations
- highest skill speed travel animation
- all attack skills are AOE on-target and almost impossible to miss
- huge damage
- huge spammable Heal
+1 based


Staff member

hmm dont get me wrong but this suggestion sounds like its based on biased opinion because not everyone has such a "good running horse" for this race aka upcoming Guild Tournament. No hard feelings but my personal opinion is that mages in general are already handicapped in pvm, let them be good in pvp at least...and truth to be told i doubt there will be any change regarding this, at least not in a closer future. But yes i did forward your suggestion. Nevertheless, thank you!



Well-known member

hmm dont get me wrong but this suggestion sounds like its based on biased opinion because not everyone has such a "good running horse" for this race aka upcoming Guild Tournament. No hard feelings but my personal opinion is that mages in general are already handicapped in pvm, let them be good in pvp at least...and truth to be told i doubt there will be any change regarding this, at least not in a closer future. But yes i did forward your suggestion. Nevertheless, thank you!

This thread was made before the GT announcement soo...? Two guilds say it needs a nerf one guild feels attacked by this thread, your reply sounds like taking sides when you shouldn't XD


Active member

hmm dont get me wrong but this suggestion sounds like its based on biased opinion because not everyone has such a "good running horse" for this race aka upcoming Guild Tournament. No hard feelings but my personal opinion is that mages in general are already handicapped in pvm, let them be good in pvp at least...and truth to be told i doubt there will be any change regarding this, at least not in a closer future. But yes i did forward your suggestion. Nevertheless, thank you!

your reply doesn't seem objective or argument-based at all.

This thread was thought of and should have been made long time ago, but since it didn't really affect us in a meaningful way, we decided to just wait and "let it slide by" until Nemere Items come out and things will balance by themselves (but this will not happen at that time either, since it is way too powerful).

"handicapped in pvm" - by this you mean highest damage in Bosses since last Patch, highest attack speed animation on mount and already high damage in metins - so basically almost same DPS as a Body Warrior?

You can't possibly have 2 extremely OP buffs and ALL other traits listed, it's simple.


Game Designer
Staff member
Game Designer
If you're unsatisfied with Asteria's response, allow me to step in and provide clarification. We won't be making any changes to the races until all PvP items and subsequent updates are implemented on the live server. It wouldn't make sense to balance one race only to have to readjust it again when new items are introduced. Therefore, if you find a particular race to be powerful, I suggest utilizing it to your advantage.

Additionally, it's worth noting that the post was made after the event calendar was already displaying the Guild Tournament, confirming Asteria's speculation.

Also, RealDrew "highest damage in bosses", that thing is in work and tests and not even on live server. Only one boss has this feature of being week to shaman and it is RedDragon at this moment.

Best of luck,
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