Recent content by Chrizz

  1. Chrizz

    DPS Mage - some help?

    if you want to farm with a heal mage, use movement skill and attack + skill, get rid of the fan an get a bell with max Average Damage 30+ i dont know your level but at the moment when u get armed horse, skill dmg or magic damage is kinda useless unless u farm with skills - which is waste of...
  2. Chrizz


    i dont understand the problem, u mad that you cant cancel the the horsebackslash skill anymore? I mean you still can go of aura on hit of berserk on hit i dont have any problem with it
  3. Chrizz

    Question about Pets

    itemshop Mounts have a little bit more max Attack values than NPC bought Mounts. i think normal ones have 270 max attack value and Itemshop 300 but you need to spend alot of gold to upgrade both of them
  4. Chrizz

    Upgrade rates destroy gameplay

    i tried to make lv 5 weapon to +9 35+ fails noone +9 :ROFLMAO: i just bought it
  5. Chrizz

    Some information for a newcomer?

    depends on what you want, if you wanna be finished with the game in a few weeks or even days its the wrong game, if you like to play for months and slowly grow its pretty neat. You can alsot get nearly every important item ingame without using itemshop or spend money.
  6. Chrizz

    Some information for a newcomer?

    ye its like % cooldown reduction base is 100 if you have 110% you skills will reload 10% faster i think. HP give HP, VIT gives HP and every few points also defence, life energy is only HP i think. shoes brace neck armour can get HP, shield weapons can get VIT if a bracelet has default...
  7. Chrizz

    Some information for a newcomer?

    Life Energy Raises your HP a little bit, and colldown Reduction lower the seconds to use you skills again 2% could be too less to see because for example if Dragon Roar needs 12 Seconds the Skill Information will only change to 11 Seconds if you have enough Cooldown Reduction/Speed - it...
  8. Chrizz

    Login Bug try this the last option would be to call your...
  9. Chrizz

    Fix Assassins! (and the Jade Jewellery)

    i dont know why but i feels to me that the drag/push from horses to players without horse is on this server extrem. if i remeber correct only warrior with max atk speed from ground were able to do that some years ago. i also could be completly wrong but :unsure:
  10. Chrizz

    Summer 2023 Costume Design Contest

    Just add Blueish white Hair as a colour and its perfect :D
  11. Chrizz

    Login Bug

    did you update you client? else you could try to use a vpn go to
  12. Chrizz

    Rework "Source of Danger" Quest

    Hello there, i would suggest to rework the Source of Danger Quest from Duban. - Make the Quest automatic available in your quest window - like collecting Shard (Fragmental collection) its really tedious walk every few hours to Duban click him teleport to snakes, teleport back to duban and...
  13. Chrizz

    Make the items shiny again

    ye many low level armour doesnt really matter if they +6+9 for defence they are only for looks.
  14. Chrizz

    Handu-Up Covenant Quests Guide - Details, Strategy, Advice

    i did go with 1% avg res and 2% hp absorb as a war, because i struggle so much not to die when using berserk .... Also i believe magic classes should go for the 20 Magic attack damage, its a nice way to to improve all your skills base dmg, there are plenty of ways to add extra crit or dmg boost...