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Considering Buff Berserk


New member
There is no reason to level up berserk as now you are taking more damage. At m10 you are getting like 6% pierce chance. It is literally worse than official server where you get 15% movespeed at m10. Give berserk the movement speed back or something, literally no one liked the berserk nerf. It's useless to level up if you have G berserk I feel bad for you.


Well-known member
I don't agree with the movement speed given back, it's useless, the pierce boost is better, you'll see I'm right once we also have alchemy, but I do agree that there is no good reason to upgrade it right now. I wanted to do it P anyway because I can't stand having M skills at high level but I got it G yesterday thinking it won't be that big of a difference at the extra damage I will be getting from M10 to G and let met tell you how wrong I was 🤣
I know this is how the company that shall not be named - that's not very smart in game balancing but oh well - made the berserk, extra attack speed and movement speed, but you take more damage. But it is genuinely very stupid to get punished the more you upgrade a skill. If you ask me it would make more sense for the % of damage taken to start high from M1 and lower with each level you train - to a certain point, ofc. You are supposed to get rewarded with better skills when you train them, not a better skill that you can't use because the monsters will oneshot you.


the joke is that attack speed 62% at P 62..... ATACK CAP is 170 if you kill stones and have 190 it is same speed as 170
decent warrior lvl 80+ has 75+9 weapon =26% attack speed+ bracele- let's say 54+8 with ores 13%, bio 40=5%, bio 80 =6%, that is 150% + 20% mid green potion = you get to 170% attack speed easy without even attack speed in shoes/helm, using devs, green elixir L OR berserk AT ALL

so me at lvl 80 I totally stopped using berserk since 20% DMG+ WHICH IT GIVES AT G1 is killing me at 90 stones, not worth that few Pierce boost... I mean I WOULD BE OK if it gives a 20% dmg increase but it has to be worth it... I would even by all right nerf attack speed rate since it is really unnecessary.... like 20% m1 25% g1 30% P attack speed ( would be totally enough) and for lower lvl won't change much since it would give a lot of attack speed at m1 (almost without change) but in that case increase the pierce boost from 10% at P to 20-25% at least or NERF the dmg INCREASE IT GIVES from 25% at P to 10-15% max


well atm devs punish warrior by taking away 1 skill everybody who plays warriors dont use berserk NOBODY.Without berserk i can easily tank 60lvl metin but with berserk at 40% i am dying and i have to run congrats you test it a lot before you put it ingame team you know a lot about this game KAPPA (30% block 25% dodge 60%arrow +g1 blessing)i guess only superman can use berserk in this serv


New member
Berserk is dead since large move and attack speed potions are avaiable.
Now u can use berserk just to die faster, and get useless pierce boost.


Well-known member

Get out of this post lmao. The entire thread with sura players crying they can't tank enough was cringe but I'm glad you could have 6 f*cking forum pages with people complaining they can't tank with lvl 1 armor in red forest but warrior players can't complain that they now have a skill that punishes them for training it.
Disgusting comment, brings nothing to this entire thread, get lost.
Oh wow! Look at the poor Warriors ...
They overtuned Warrior for the whole duration, while destroying sura.
And now that they are bringing balancing in line again, people are only complaining :ROFLMAO: .


New member
Agree, 25% more damage from everything in PvP is a death sentence. If a skill normally hit you for 8000, with berserk active it will hit you for 10000. The benefit you get is more attack speed even though you will already be at attack speed cap (once you finish bio's) and like 10% pierce chance :ROFLMAO:.

10% pierce chance... vs 25% more damage taken... hmm wow, what a tough decision!!


the skill is full unusable can somebody answer if it gonna stay this way?again the warrior have 5 skills (4 actually) rework it in a way that brings something useful there is no reason to have 4 skills and one of them killing you while you pay for it.


Warrior is bullshit, demotivates all warrior players to play when u get so much dmg from mobs, warriors were squishy before imagine now. 6 pages or sura crybabies with m skills cant kill 65s wooo, meanwhile warriors with 54+9 jewl, 61+9 shield armor and G skills+ buffs cant tank in sd2 and all the sura needs is 3G skills and some arachnid KEKW. Bullshit nerf


Oh wow! Look at the poor Warriors ...
They overtuned Warrior for the whole duration, while destroying sura.
And now that they are bringing balancing in line again, people are only complaining :ROFLMAO: .
Get out of your head buddy. It's literally the whole sura population that started whining while going to the toilet as they tank lvl 90 metins with BRS+6. Give it a break.


Just my oppinion..
But,remove all that and just let attack speed, no buff/no punishment. I think is a middle ground for everyone.


New member
I would say revert Berserk the way it is like on offical.
Or just give the Body Warrior more Piercing Boost.

So that a Warrior can be played as Glass-Canon - High Dps , low Defense.


Warrior is bullshit, demotivates all warrior players to play when u get so much dmg from mobs, warriors were squishy before imagine now. 6 pages or sura crybabies with m skills cant kill 65s wooo, meanwhile warriors with 54+9 jewl, 61+9 shield armor and G skills+ buffs cant tank in sd2 and all the sura needs is 3G skills and some arachnid KEKW. Bullshit nerf
get better items and stop cry


I don't agree with the movement speed given back, it's useless, the pierce boost is better
If berserk was like before , pierce boost would definitely be better than movement speed but the way it is right now body war is completely useless on pvp , its a class that can only hit from melee range , has less movement speed than other classes (archer , healer) and takes a lot more damage from berserk.

Im not saying that they should give us the movement speed back but something needs to be changed. On PVM the attack speed bonus is pretty much useless at high level because you can easily reach the cap , the pierce boost is too little , and the extra damage taken is too much. Also , one thing most people forget is that the monster damage on this server is way higher than official or most other servers , even with max resistances as a warrior I struggle when breaking 90s unless I use 180+ defense from my pet so I dont have to run from mobs every 10 seconds , but if I do that I lose 250+ attack value.