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Hated World Bosses bug abusement

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Active member
They are too scared to act because they know hated might leave, it’s that simple. I really don’t understand how can You perm ban RMT/trading and let this slide. Or use a fishbot as an example. A guy that uses one to start of the game here will catch how many clams in 10 hours? 50? 100? Those 50-100 clams are server braking, but abusing a bug for months isn’t I guess.

On the discord side, making an 18 years old a GM who’s in love with certain people so passionately that he refuses to punish them for clear abuse of TOS, whilst censoring anyone else and muting them is just sad.


24 hours of silence on Discord for telling the truth.
Thirty days of punishment is not an adequate penalty for the offense. I'm not writing this out of hatred towards anyone. The behavior of players from the guild 'Hated' is pathetic. As a top guild, they should consider the server's vitality since it is important for their own existence. Advancing by exploiting mistakes is disgraceful and inexcusable. The punishment should be a strict reprimand and rolling back the character to a state prior to the mistake. I will never agree with treating a player as an object, and I will always fight for the community's well-being. No one will silence my lips when they speak the truth. I hope the administration will see that this is not a trivial matter and will react more decisively to this occurrence.
Absolutely disgusting behavior from both Hated and GM team, and I'm afraid that the GMs handled this even worse than Hated.

The people who benefited from this bug should know better, and should be the ones to protect the server from such low life activities so that it keeps on going without any "cracks". Not only that, but even if they were to think "greedily", it would still make sense to protect the server just to protect their gameplay as well. If you play for 16 hours per day for months on end, the last thing you want to do is to **** where you eat, basically. So, if you are a player of high caliber, it's more worth to report any bug/dupping mechanism etc to the staff team, than to abuse it (or have others do so) and risk everything. Not only this wasn't the case here, as I'm guessing the players got blindsided by the competition and chose to ruin the economy of the server just to get an edge, but also some Hated players tried to defend their position by bringing more toxicity in discord, instead of apologizing for everything or atleast staying silent. It really takes a nerve to have such an ego, but who am I to judge.

However, what is even more frightening is how the GMs handled this situation; Anyone who has played in any proper server no matter the game (every game with an in-game economy is bound to have the same problems) has seen similar things happening, but a staff team worth their salt would immedately perma-ban the abuser(s), and through logs, rollbacks etc try to reduce the "contamination" to the rest of the server. Also, chat/gameplay/trade logs that can indicate that other people benefited from this exploit should also be searched and so on. Basically, put the server in lockdown (even one dev suggested would be the case for a "worse" bug through discord, as if this is not bad enough) and try to clean up the mess. Instead, what we saw was an absolute teardown of any professionalism left in the staff team. Blatant covering of the guild in question, deleting messages of people complaining, trying to justify how "not all bugs are the same", devs saying "the bug only stopped the boss from attacking, it's not a big deal" - let me add it again, this is coming from a dev who should be furious that such things exist under his nose for months - and so on, as is already documented. The GMs go out of their way to perma-ban a fishbotter making 1% of the damage in economy, but here the rules are bent.

Funnily enough, WoM2 and that particular GM team has already had a lot of negative press, obviously documented on other forums. I had read that before coming here, but I gave the benefit of the doubt to this new project. I even found WoM2 registration emails from 2014 and 2015, but I was much younger and probably didn't understand much when the older servers were shutting down. This time around, seeing how things unfold I ask myself why I ignored all of these red flags and instead played so much every day for the past 2 months. I gotta give it to the GMs though, they know that people won't leave easily as they have already invested so much, and if the hesitation to quit is happening to me with "only" 2 months invested, I can see how it happens to people who are here from the start.

The only thing that can save the whole situation, is the GMs and devs coming forward to publicly apologize for their behavior on discord today, to name-and-shame the abusers and lastly to try to clean up the economy. Anything less than that - especially the attempts to justify/save Hated - is just toying with our IQ and is already well past offensive.


New member
Nice, i just started my adventure here, i'm giving my time of my life, also i spend money here for helping server getting better and more popular and administration has NO RESPECT for people like me!

Where is securation by owners of this bussiness? What the hell is it?

I hope man whos is responsible for WoM2 will repair it cuz if nothing will change i dont see sense to play here more which is sad for me cuz i really liked this server
Absolutely disgusting behavior from both Hated and GM team, and I'm afraid that the GMs handled this even worse than Hated.

The people who benefited from this bug should know better, and should be the ones to protect the server from such low life activities so that it keeps on going without any "cracks". Not only that, but even if they were to think "greedily", it would still make sense to protect the server just to protect their gameplay as well. If you play for 16 hours per day for months on end, the last thing you want to do is to **** where you eat, basically. So, if you are a player of high caliber, it's more worth to report any bug/dupping mechanism etc to the staff team, than to abuse it (or have others do so) and risk everything. Not only this wasn't the case here, as I'm guessing the players got blindsided by the competition and chose to ruin the economy of the server just to get an edge, but also some Hated players tried to defend their position by bringing more toxicity in discord, instead of apologizing for everything or atleast staying silent. It really takes a nerve to have such an ego, but who am I to judge.

However, what is even more frightening is how the GMs handled this situation; Anyone who has played in any proper server no matter the game (every game with an in-game economy is bound to have the same problems) has seen similar things happening, but a staff team worth their salt would immedately perma-ban the abuser(s), and through logs, rollbacks etc try to reduce the "contamination" to the rest of the server. Also, chat/gameplay/trade logs that can indicate that other people benefited from this exploit should also be searched and so on. Basically, put the server in lockdown (even one dev suggested would be the case for a "worse" bug through discord, as if this is not bad enough) and try to clean up the mess. Instead, what we saw was an absolute teardown of any professionalism left in the staff team. Blatant covering of the guild in question, deleting messages of people complaining, trying to justify how "not all bugs are the same", devs saying "the bug only stopped the boss from attacking, it's not a big deal" - let me add it again, this is coming from a dev who should be furious that such things exist under his nose for months - and so on, as is already documented. The GMs go out of their way to perma-ban a fishbotter making 1% of the damage in economy, but here the rules are bent.

Funnily enough, WoM2 and that particular GM team has already had a lot of negative press, obviously documented on other forums. I had read that before coming here, but I gave the benefit of the doubt to this new project. I even found WoM2 registration emails from 2014 and 2015, but I was much younger and probably didn't understand much when the older servers were shutting down. This time around, seeing how things unfold I ask myself why I ignored all of these red flags and instead played so much every day for the past 2 months. I gotta give it to the GMs though, they know that people won't leave easily as they have already invested so much, and if the hesitation to quit is happening to me with "only" 2 months invested, I can see how it happens to people who are here from the start.

The only thing that can save the whole situation, is the GMs and devs coming forward to publicly apologize for their behavior on discord today, to name-and-shame the abusers and lastly to try to clean up the economy. Anything less than that - especially the attempts to justify/save Hated - is just toying with our IQ and is already well past offensive.
Very well said.


New member
Absolutely disgusting behavior from both Hated and GM team, and I'm afraid that the GMs handled this even worse than Hated.

The people who benefited from this bug should know better, and should be the ones to protect the server from such low life activities so that it keeps on going without any "cracks". Not only that, but even if they were to think "greedily", it would still make sense to protect the server just to protect their gameplay as well. If you play for 16 hours per day for months on end, the last thing you want to do is to **** where you eat, basically. So, if you are a player of high caliber, it's more worth to report any bug/dupping mechanism etc to the staff team, than to abuse it (or have others do so) and risk everything. Not only this wasn't the case here, as I'm guessing the players got blindsided by the competition and chose to ruin the economy of the server just to get an edge, but also some Hated players tried to defend their position by bringing more toxicity in discord, instead of apologizing for everything or atleast staying silent. It really takes a nerve to have such an ego, but who am I to judge.

However, what is even more frightening is how the GMs handled this situation; Anyone who has played in any proper server no matter the game (every game with an in-game economy is bound to have the same problems) has seen similar things happening, but a staff team worth their salt would immedately perma-ban the abuser(s), and through logs, rollbacks etc try to reduce the "contamination" to the rest of the server. Also, chat/gameplay/trade logs that can indicate that other people benefited from this exploit should also be searched and so on. Basically, put the server in lockdown (even one dev suggested would be the case for a "worse" bug through discord, as if this is not bad enough) and try to clean up the mess. Instead, what we saw was an absolute teardown of any professionalism left in the staff team. Blatant covering of the guild in question, deleting messages of people complaining, trying to justify how "not all bugs are the same", devs saying "the bug only stopped the boss from attacking, it's not a big deal" - let me add it again, this is coming from a dev who should be furious that such things exist under his nose for months - and so on, as is already documented. The GMs go out of their way to perma-ban a fishbotter making 1% of the damage in economy, but here the rules are bent.

Funnily enough, WoM2 and that particular GM team has already had a lot of negative press, obviously documented on other forums. I had read that before coming here, but I gave the benefit of the doubt to this new project. I even found WoM2 registration emails from 2014 and 2015, but I was much younger and probably didn't understand much when the older servers were shutting down. This time around, seeing how things unfold I ask myself why I ignored all of these red flags and instead played so much every day for the past 2 months. I gotta give it to the GMs though, they know that people won't leave easily as they have already invested so much, and if the hesitation to quit is happening to me with "only" 2 months invested, I can see how it happens to people who are here from the start.

The only thing that can save the whole situation, is the GMs and devs coming forward to publicly apologize for their behavior on discord today, to name-and-shame the abusers and lastly to try to clean up the economy. Anything less than that - especially the attempts to justify/save Hated - is just toying with our IQ and is already well past offensive.
That sums it up. You cannot be more right when it comes to this discussion.
On the ''how staff handled this situation'' I must point that some GM (via discord, screenshots everywhere) even tried to justify using this bug as ' ThE BoSs woUlD diE anywaYs ' is absolutely insane to me. There are terms and conditions and they must be respected not avoided or justified with some nonsense. Imagine skipping azrael doors and reaching boss in 5 mins and justfying that run would end anyways when you reach the boss.


it is clear as day that this is not an incompetence issue. Based on what I've read and seen, in my opinion the 30 day ban for something this major (yes major, because we're talking about end game content here) was just a way to show that action was being "taken" and the ones involved were being "punished" in order to not rise up the spirits of other players while also keeping good relations with the abusers. At least thats what they thought - it clearly didnt work. I dont know if monetary gains were involved in avoiding perma bans or its just a conflict of interests, meaning some people have good relations with some of the staff members but it is clear as my baldness that something isn't right and everyone can feel it. This is straight up politician behaviour lol or how we call this in romanian "băiat și tu băiat și io"


Server staff already communicated plenty times by few staff members that the decision about ban is not going to be changed:) Which means they literally spit up to decent players mouths and except from them they still will be playing here. For me and few of my friends - this is the end so far. Hope others do the same, cause this sort of staff do not deserve any paycheck for it. Kind regards!


New member
If you, dear team, wont perma bann that individual or put a huge set back on the chars involved in that bug exploiting, you're just gonna show everyone how corrupt you are. Do you want that? Hell, earlier on the old Wom2 you targeted me and others for less with perma banns and we even received such while u had 0 evidence. And since we know for a fact, that u lied to us before about the closing of wom2, you should really reconsider this case. You still have a chance to preserve some sort of dignity and professionalism. Don't mess that up.


Active member
Lets calculate:
- 80kk minimal Drop * 6 CH's = 480kk once every 6H (Just Wobba). In around 10-15 min max
- 1 Day only Wobba = around 2kkk a Day ( Lets exclude all other other 90 Map Bosses)
- 2kkk a day * 90 days 180kkk just Wobba ---> Thuggy was never offline so this might be kinda accurate

Lets even say it was a minimal Damage of 100kkk most likely upwards 200 considering Hated got most of all 90 Map Bosses without the needed Effort.

The fact that they were able to buy very cheap materials within the Guild and potentially make weapons and beta accesories is a huge problem.
Its such a big impact overall, how is everyone else excepted to catch up? Thats literally impossible.

Without Pushback + no incoming DMG Wobba is quite easy.

Imagine if anyone could make Azra + Beran without them attacking you & in half the time needed. Imagine how people would complain about this one.

This Bug has to be considered like a game-breaking Bug abuse and needs to be punished accordingly.
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Active member
it is clear as day that this is not an incompetence issue. Based on what I've read and seen, in my opinion the 30 day ban for something this major (yes major, because we're talking about end game content here) was just a way to show that action was being "taken" and the ones involved were being "punished" in order to not rise up the spirits of other players while also keeping good relations with the abusers. At least thats what they thought - it clearly didnt work. I dont know if monetary gains were involved in avoiding perma bans or its just a conflict of interests, meaning some people have good relations with some of the staff members but it is clear as my baldness that something isn't right and everyone can feel it. This is straight up politician behaviour lol or how we call this in romanian "băiat și tu băiat și io"

Exactly this.

Now lets see if looking at this backlash they revert the decision and hopefully apologize (xd) or stick to it for the sake of the few cash providers.

There is no such a thing as a final decision and this can be still reverted.


Active member
Exactly this.

Now lets see if looking at this backlash they revert the decision and hopefully apologize (xd) or stick to it for the sake of the few cash providers.

There is no such a thing as a final decision and this can be still reverted.

Also, staff member Ania was in Hated on WoM2Ro server, so draw Your own conclusions
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