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Hated World Bosses bug abusement

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Well-known member
Everyone here is honestly blowing this over proportion, y'all gathered here to talk about the same thing for days thinking it will have any impact on the staff's decision when they said several times it won't change. Get over it and keep it moving, there's people here like tasky and plaq that know exactly how wom works and how hated works, idk why you believe making a big fuss about it will change anything. Learn to ignore it and just play for fun. Lets not pretend there's any server out there that does or doesn't favor a guild. Nothing is fair in this world. Compared to the old server where people literally filmed THEMSELVES abusing the elixir bug and then got banned ONE WEEK and magically unbanned just in time for guild tournament, 30 days is a HUGE improvement XDDDDDDDDDDDD


New member
Toată lumea de aici sufla sincer această supraproporție, toți v-ați adunat aici pentru a vorbi despre acest lucru zile întregi crezând că va avea vreun impact asupra deciziei personale când au spus de mai multe ori că nu se va schimba. . Treceți peste asta și menține-o în mișcare, aici sunt oameni ca tasky și plac care știu exact cum funcționează wom și cum funcționează urat, nu de ce crezi că a face o mare tam-tam despre asta va schimba ceva. Învață să-l ignori și joacă-te doar pentru distracție. Să nu ne prefacem că există vreun server care favorizează sau nu o breaslă. Nimic nu este corect pe lumea asta. În comparație cu vechiul server în care oamenii s-au filmat literalmente abuzând de bug-ul elixirului și apoi au fost interziși O SĂPTĂMÂNĂ și dezinterzis prin magie exact la timp pentru turneul breslei, 30 de zile de utilizare a URIAȘĂ XDDDDDDDDDDDD
Din câte am observat și eu și probabil mai mulți jucători bresla Hated și- a făcut reputație prin diferite bug-uri. Înțeleg ca asta e jocul " smecherul face , fraierul tace" 2 3 persoane învârte sume colosale de yang și alții se bat pe metine pentru 3arme și o piatră+2. Ceea ce nu înțelege este de ce dacă te știi ca abuzezi de bug-uri, ai făcut cont pvp din exploatari apar suferințele că ești " rege , nu mai bati de azi inainte " e foarte trist ca în 2023-2024 când nu mai suntem copii de 15 ani sunt oamenii în toată firea încă nu există SIMTUL PENIBILULUI și asta demonstrează ca bresla Hated au rămas fetite cu fustițe nu vor schimba niciodată stilul de joc într-un stil. joc cinstit
Urât nr1


New member
bro you cry whole day about some bugs i have a life im working 7:30h a day and not selling yang like you FakeTaxi guys to get something from Burger King, KFC, MC's or Pyszne, kropka =))
But im not even from this guild.
Lol, i dont even jave a guild. and I made only few posta and youre talking about crying whole day. Wtf. Im just making fun of you. The only person whos acting like a beaten kid is you.
you guys forget we dominate all world boss's especially Ice Witch no one of you noobs could take it from us all my items are from witch yang and beta metins you guys are just to low to fight with us even in the same kingdom you give up after 2 hours we didnt care when 1 channel crashed and spawned 2h later but from now on you wont get anything anymore i promise <3 Hated is ready to take with the whole server no problem call us how you want we will smash all of you
The level of cringe of this comment.. These type of people have no real life achievement and only feel themselves as someone important through their metin2 char, which they improved with bug money xd, come here and say such things. You are just a pathetic real life loser that can’t admit you were all abusing and making money off of this bug for the whole time. Get a life kid.


New member
As the state prime ministers said; If I leave, this country will be OVER. If HATED goes, the server will never end. DON'T BE AFRAID. Where there is justice, all players PLAY WITH ENJOYMENT

You are still wondering if a 30-day ban is appropriate? but they don't care about that. These Players have already sacrificed those characters. You will save 500 - 600 kkk, it will take 1 day to create a new character. Here are the markets that should be banned, the markets that still have enough BETA items to meet the needs of all players in the game, and all the ACCs that these 2 tsars trade with.

HATED, are you taking out the pain of your loss in the old WOM2 here? Having one of you in management means knowing all the bugs, knowing what to add to the object market and when to remove it (evil exorcism hermit) (rabbit cloak removal 2 days in advance) (Experiential wine from Nagaa will be removed and they will be collected from the markets immediately).
Knowing which defense and attack will be on which map from the beginning of the game.
These are all jokes.
Why do you immediately press +9 on a demon fan? How did you know it would transform? Older players won't bother with this because the beta PVP weapon didn't transform that way.


New member
you guys forget we dominate all world boss's especially Ice Witch no one of you noobs could take it from us all my items are from witch yang and beta metins you guys are just to low to fight with us even in the same kingdom you give up after 2 hours we didnt care when 1 channel crashed and spawned 2h later but from now on you wont get anything anymore i promise <3 Hated is ready to take with the whole server no problem call us how you want we will smash all of you
Remember when we (Flame) dominate u at all, u was farming map2 in that time maybe, or imagine when Bodo and Nicomando did Wobba in 2 characters and u (hated) faild it with 10 ppl, u have "monopol" just bcs we let u. U just cry bcs now all server know your real face, how u achive that items. you present yourself here as a top player but you were kicked out of Flame, know your place and keep your mouth shut, you were not and will not be a player whose opinion counts.


you guys forget we dominate all world boss's especially Ice Witch no one of you noobs could take it from us all my items are from witch yang and beta metins you guys are just to low to fight with us even in the same kingdom you give up after 2 hours we didnt care when 1 channel crashed and spawned 2h later but from now on you wont get anything anymore i promise <3 Hated is ready to take with the whole server no problem call us how you want we will smash all of you
Lol Ano i cant believe its you. You should go to psychologist realy i cant believe what they do with you Rest In Peace my old friend :(


New member
In my Eyes best way there get perma Banned we all play her fair. We farming each day and there abusing Bugs to get all faster.? Its not fair and in my eyes i hope there get perma Banned. If there want let them start again from Zero. And i hope some Staff Member write here about it. Because on Epvp you got now a lot of Flame and there laugh about you.


Everyone here is honestly blowing this over proportion, y'all gathered here to talk about the same thing for days thinking it will have any impact on the staff's decision when they said several times it won't change. Get over it and keep it moving, there's people here like tasky and plaq that know exactly how wom works and how hated works, idk why you believe making a big fuss about it will change anything. Learn to ignore it and just play for fun. Lets not pretend there's any server out there that does or doesn't favor a guild. Nothing is fair in this world. Compared to the old server where people literally filmed THEMSELVES abusing the elixir bug and then got banned ONE WEEK and magically unbanned just in time for guild tournament, 30 days is a HUGE improvement XDDDDDDDDDDDD
But Thats is not fair, we waste time here farming and come this selfosh guys abusing bugs


New member
Bresla Hated arata adevarata fata ! Videochatisti și abuzatori de bug-uri ar trebuia interzisi din tara nu dintr-un joc
Hated nr 1 onlyfans.com


New member
I am glad I always make research before starting playing on a new server. I played Wom2 back in 2016-2018. I have respect for myself so I refuse to play on a server having this high level of corruption. People will never forget how the STAFF failed them.
Everyone here is honestly blowing this over proportion, y'all gathered here to talk about the same thing for days thinking it will have any impact on the staff's decision when they said several times it won't change. Get over it and keep it moving, there's people here like tasky and plaq that know exactly how wom works and how hated works, idk why you believe making a big fuss about it will change anything. Learn to ignore it and just play for fun. Lets not pretend there's any server out there that does or doesn't favor a guild. Nothing is fair in this world. Compared to the old server where people literally filmed THEMSELVES abusing the elixir bug and then got banned ONE WEEK and magically unbanned just in time for guild tournament, 30 days is a HUGE improvement XDDDDDDDDDDDD

If you accept being treated like this, there is something wrong with you. Let them complain. They deserve at least freedom of speech. New players need to know what they are getting into. Me on the other hand I will move on clearly by never playing WoM2 ever again. I have made up my mind. My time is valuable and I won't spend it on a server that has no future.
I have played this game for years since 2011. If the STAFF reaches this level of corruption, the server will die. There are some things that will break the matrix and this STAFF shows all the red flags.


Well-known member
I am glad I always make research before starting playing on a new server. I played Wom2 back in 2016-2018. I have respect for myself so I refuse to play on a server having this high level of corruption. People will never forget how the STAFF failed them.

If you accept being treated like this, there is something wrong with you. Let them complain. They deserve at least freedom of speech. New players need to know what they are getting into. Me on the other hand I will move on clearly by never playing WoM2 ever again. I have made up my mind. My time is valuable and I won't spend it on a server that has no future.
I have played this game for years since 2011. If the STAFF reaches this level of corruption, the server will die. There are some things that will break the matrix and this STAFF shows all the red flags.
Don't you think people complained for YEARS on the old server too? I'm telling you from experience it's a waste of your energy


New member
You dont understand that many people create accounts on the forum to comment this topic!

PEOPLE = COMMUNITY want fair rules for all players!
If in your brain left at least 1 cell you should understan
the worst thing is that they didn't get banned and they still think they are superior, this is making fun of the wom2 team and the wom2 players , that is, with this 30-day ban, they learned nothing because they are still selfish and have a high ego
the problem is some staff members play in that guild and they don't care what we say,think or complain about them.Corrupted WoM2 train is moving on with or without us and that is sad, it's either stay keep quiet and farm for Hated (market monopoly) or leave.
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